
About EToken History service

Service to store and retrieve transactions for EToken. Currently for Transfer and TransferToICAP events.
Service deployed on https://etoken-history.ambisafe.co


To store transaction - POST /tx with body:
1) Transfer event must contain symbol field


2) TransferToICAP must contain icap field


Get by recipient

To get transactions for specific recipient - GET /tx/{recipient}, where {recipient} is the address and can be with/without "0x" and in lower/upper case.

NOTICE: in response will be all events.
If you want only specific events, try to use additional parameters

Response will be like:

  "total": 2,
  "result": [
  "nextRequest": null

Get by ICAP

You can get all transactions by ICAP - GET /icap/{icap}.
With this request you can use max and skip parameters.
Response will be like:

  "total": 5,
  "result": [
  "nextRequest": null


You can also use additional parameters and combine them:

  1. max - max entries in response;
  2. skip - skip several entries;
  3. symbol - with specific currency symbol;
  4. name - with specific event name.

If you specified max parameter and there are more entries in the table, you received url-link to next portion of data with the same size and filters in nextRequest field.

Lets execute request with max=2 parameter:
GET /tx/{recipient}?max=2
Response will be like:

  "total": 2,
  "result": [...],
  "nextRequest": "https://fm93pbrndi.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/stage/tx/0x53786e5722f854a62783395dcdc27d633a9b063e?start=000000104-1&max=2"